Collection of images from Ernst Haeckel. (2003)

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Photo: Ernst Haeckel with hat.
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Photo: The lecture evening. Ernst Haeckel together with Stahl, Fürbringer, Knorr, Biedermann, Detmer, Müller, Winkelmann, Abbe, v. Bardeleben
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Photo: Ernst Haeckel, sitting, with book and his signature.
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Photo1: Ernst Haeckel, sitting on a bench together with Julius Schaxel in Schwarzburg (6. 10. 1910)
Photo2: Ernst Haeckel and Hedwig Schaxel sitting in a horse drawn carriage during an excursion to Hummelshain near Kahla on 29.9.1910.

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Photo: Ernst Haeckel in front of the roman ruins of the amphitheater in Fréjus near the French Riviera. 18.4.1910.
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Photo: Ernst Haeckel together with his daugther Elisabeth and his son Walter.
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Images taken from the following sources:
A: Ernst Haeckel, Briefe, Ed. Georg Uschmann, Jena 1961.
B: Ernst Haeckel, Tropenfahrten, Leipzip 1969
C: Ernst Haeckel, Italienfahrt, Leipzig, 1921
D: Julius Schaxel an Ernst Haeckel, Briefe, Leipzig, 1987
E: Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur, Reprint 1998
F: Norbert Elsner, Das ungelöste Welträtsel, Göttingen, 2000.