List of Books from Floericke, Kurt

  • Floericke, Kurt:
    Floericke, Kurt
    "Heuschrecken und Libellen" (1922) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 0
    (Insekten; Libellen; Heuschrecken)
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-04
    Small booklet with an introduction to grasshoppers and dragonflies.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (29.65 MBytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Falterleben" (1923) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 84
    (Insekten; Schmetterlinge)
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-21
    Small booklet with an introduction to butterflies.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (29.49 MBytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Einheimische Fische" (1913) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 123
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-21
    Small booklet with an introduction to local fishes in Germany.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (40.67 MBytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Allerlei Gewürm" (1921) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 86
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-21
    Small booklet with an introduction to worms (annelids).
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (29.79 MBytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Aussterbende Tiere. Biber Nerz Luchs Uhu" (1927) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 88
    (Zoologie; Säugetiere)
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-07
    Small booklet with with interesting notes about threatened species in Germany.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (28.65 MBytes)
    pdf-File: UB Universität Frankfurt, Edocs-Archiv (0.00 Bytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Spinnen und Spinnenleben" (1919) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 93
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-21
    Small booklet with an introduction to spiders and their natural biology.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (30.89 MBytes)

    Floericke, Kurt
    "Schnecken und Muscheln" (1920) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 90
    (Zoologie; Mollusken)
    Language: German, Created: 2005-04-07
    Small booklet with with interesting notes about sea- and land-snails and mussels.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (30.94 MBytes)