List of books from the category Anatomics

  • Anatomics:
    Menzel, Wolfgang
    "Die Naturkunde im christlichen Geiste aufgefaßt. Band 3." (1856)
    Number of scanned pages: 416
    (Anatomie; Zoologie; Anthropologie)
    Language: German, Created: 2003-08-27
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Ranke, Johannes
    "Der Mensch" (1890)
    (Anatomie; Zoologie; Primaten)
    Language: German, Created: 1999-10-11
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Virchow, Rudolf
    "Menschen- und Affenschädel" (1870)
    Number of scanned pages: 39
    (Anatomie; Säugetiere; Zoologie; Primaten)
    Language: German, Created: 2002-08-04
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Virchow, Rudolf
    "Ueber das Rückenmark" (1871)
    Number of scanned pages: 38
    (Anatomie; Säugetiere; Zoologie; Primaten)
    Language: German, Created: 2002-11-19
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Virchow, Rudolf
    "Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre" (1871) , Verlag von August Hirschwald
    Number of scanned pages: 612
    (Anatomie; Histologie; Medizin)
    Language: German, Created: 2005-02-10
    Zitation: We are in the middle auf a great medical reformation. For the first time since thousands of years is the complete range of this science subject to scientific investigation.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]