List of books from the category Mushrooms

  • Mushrooms:
    Bary, Anton de
    "Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze Mycetozooen und Bacterien" (1884) Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann
    Number of scanned pages: 588
    (Pilze; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2010-07-02
    Biology of fungi with many valuable drawings.
    [Mirror MPIPZ]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (200.10 MBytes)

    Batsch, August Johann Georg Karl
    "Elenchus Fungorum" (1783)
    Number of scanned pages: 114
    (Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2003-02-18
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (32.27 MBytes)

    Batsch, August Johann Georg Karl
    "Elenchus Fungorum. Continuatio prima." (1786)
    Number of scanned pages: 0
    (Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2003-02-21
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (46.71 MBytes)

    Batsch, August Johann Georg Karl
    "Elenchus Fungorum. Continuatio secunda." (1789)
    Number of scanned pages: 0
    (Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2003-02-21
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (33.31 MBytes)

    Hartig, Robert
    "Der echte Hausschwamm" (1902)
    Number of scanned pages: 112
    (Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: German, Created: 2003-03-25
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution). (30.79 MBytes)

    Karsten, Peter Adolph
    "Finlands Basidswampar i urval Beskrifna" (1899) Helsingfors, Helsingfors Centraldryckeri
    Number of scanned pages: 214
    (Pilze; Systematik)
    Language: Swedish, Created: 2006-01-10
    Contains 9 plates with black and white drawings of higher fungi.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Kühn, Julius
    "Krankheiten der Naturgewächse, ihre Ursachen und Verhütung" (1858) Berlin, Gustav Bosselmann, landwirthschaftliche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Number of scanned pages: 358
    (Landwirtschaft; Phytopathologie; Pilze)
    Language: German, Created: 2006-01-04
    Description of crop plant diseases caused by fungi. Drawings of fungus spores and hyphens.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Lindau, Gustav
    "Die höheren Pilze" (1917)
    Number of scanned pages: 264
    (Botanik; Pilze; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2003-04-15
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Lindau - Hoehere Pilze (25.00 MBytes)

    Lindau, Gustav
    "Die mikroskopischen Pilze. Band 2, 1." (1922)
    Number of scanned pages: 251
    (Botanik; Pilze; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2003-04-15
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Lindau - Mikroskopische Pilze 1 (19.94 MBytes)

    Lindau, Gustav
    "Die mikroskopischen Pilze. Band 2, 2." (1922)
    Number of scanned pages: 317
    (Botanik; Pilze; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2003-04-15
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Lindau - Mikroskopische Pilze 2 (25.29 MBytes)

    Migula, Walter Emil Friedrich August
    "Pilze Band III. Teil 1." (1910) Gera, Friedrich von Zezschwitz, Botanischer Verlag Flora von Deutschland
    Number of scanned pages: 723
    (Pilze; Botanik; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2009-09-11
    Contains many plates, partly in color.
    [Mirror MPIPZ]

    Ricken, Adalbert
    "Die Blätterpilze" (1915)
    Number of scanned pages: 635
    (Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: German, Created: 2002-08-22
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Sterbeeck, Franciscus, van
    "Theatrum fungorum oft het tonneel der campernoelien" (1712) Antwerpen, Franciscus Huyssens
    Number of scanned pages: 567
    (Botanik; Systematik; Pilze)
    Language: Dutch, Created: 2008-06-20
    This historic volume contains 35 well drawn plates with images of fungi. Modern Latin names are wanted. Who can help?
    [Mirror MPIPZ]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (181.37 MBytes)