BioLib alphabetic index of Latin plant species names

Attention: Latin names used in this index originate from historic literature and in many cases do not correspond to modern botanical nomenclature.

Embelia ribes --> Ephedra campylopoda
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Embelia ribes

Empetrum migrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empetrum nigrum

Empusa grylli

Empusa muscae

Empusa muscae

Encalypta ciliata

Encalypta streptocarpa

Encalypta vulgaris

Encalypta vulgaris

Encalypta vulgaris

Encalyptra apophysata

Encalyptra ciliata

Encalyptra contorta

Encalyptra longicolla

Encalyptra vulgaris

Encephalartos preissii

Encyclia cochleata

Encyclia cochleata

Endocarpon pusillum

Endoderma jadinianum

Endomyces magnusii

Endophyllum euphorbiae sylvaticae

Endophyllum sempervivi

Enerthenema elegans

Enerthenema papillatum

Engelhardtia spicata

Enteridium olivaceum

Enterolobium timbouva

Enteromorpha intestinalis

Enthostodon fascicularis

Enthostodon templetoni

Entomophthora radicans

Entomophthora sphaerosperma

Entomophthora sphaerosperma

Entophlyctis bulligera

Entophlyctis cienkowskiana

600 dpi high resolution scan (TIFF image)
Entophysalis granulosa

Entyloma calendulae

Entyloma feurichii

Entyloma serotinum

Epacris impressa

Epacris x

Epacris x

Epacris x

Epacris x

Ephebe pubescens

Ephedra alata

Ephedra alte

Ephedra altissima

Ephedra campylopoda

This page is part of the BioLib collection of historic biological literature. © Kurt Stüber, 2006.