List of books published in the year 1874

  • 1874:
    Brandis, Dietrich
    "Forest Flora of North-West and Central India" (1874)
    Number of scanned pages: 70
    (Systematik; Botanik)
    Language: German, Created: 2008-06-25
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (6.60 MBytes)

    Haeckel, Ernst
    "Anthropogenie" (1874)
    (Evolution; Primaten)
    Language: German, Created: 2001-07-20
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Haeckel, Ernst
    "Anthropogenie" (1874)
    Number of scanned pages: 763
    (Evolution; Primaten)
    Language: German, Created: 2002-03-20
    [Mirror MPIPZ]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (157.80 MBytes)

    Haeckel, Ernst
    "System der Siphonophoren" (1874) Jena, Mauke's Verlag (Hermann Dufft)
    Number of scanned pages: 55
    (Systematik; Zoologie)
    Language: German, Created: 2004-03-25
    [Mirror MPIPZ]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (17.15 MBytes)

    Oudemans, Cornelius Anton Jan Abraham
    "De Flora van Nederland. Derde Deel." (1874) Amsterdam, G. L. Funke
    Number of scanned pages: 777
    (Botanik; Systematik)
    Language: Dutch, Created: 2005-03-29
    Third volume of an extensive flora of the Netherlands.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]