Hood tm; Mills Ha; Thomas Pa 1993
- Authors: Hood tm; Mills Ha; Thomas Pa
- Title: Developmental stage affects nutrient uptake by four snapdragon
- Location: Hortscience, 28 (10). 1993. 1008-1010.
- Abstract: nutrient uptake by 'apache', 'jersey city', 'peoria', and
'philadelphia' snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus l.) was compared at
three developmental stages: stage i, vegetative to bud initiation;
stage ii, bud initiation to visible bud; And Stage iii, visible bud
to anthesis. significant differences in uptake occurred between one
or more developmental stages for all nutrients tested: no-3--n,
nh-4+-n, b, ca, cu, fe, k, mg, mn, mo, p, and zn. uptake of most of
the nutrients increased or remained high during stage iii. these
results indicate that the current cultural practice of stopping
fertilization at bud elongation should be reexamined. differences
in uptake between cultivars were found only for no-3--n, as uptake
by "apache' was significantly higher than uptake by
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This page has last been modified on May 26, 1997.