Huijser P et al. 1992
- Authors:
Huijser P. Klein J. Lönnig WE. Meijer H. Saedler H. Sommer H.
- Title:
Bracteomania, an inflorescence anomaly, is caused by the loss of function
of the MADS-box gene squamosa in Antirrhinum majus.
- Reference location:
EMBO Journal. 11(4):1239-49, 1992 Apr.
- Abstract:
Anomalous flowering of the Antirrhinum majus mutant squamosa (squa) is
characterized by excessive formation of bracts and the production of
relatively few and often malformed or incomplete flowers. To study the
function of squamosa in the commitment of an inflorescence lateral
meristem to floral development, the gene was cloned and its genomic
structure, a well as that of four mutant alleles, was determined. SQUA is
a member of a family of transcription factors which contain the MADS-box,
a conserved DNA binding domain. In addition, we analysed the temporal and
spatial expression pattern of the squa gene. Low transcriptional activity
of squa is detectable in bracts and in the leaves immediately below the
inflorescence. High squa transcript levels are seen in the inflorescence
lateral meristems as soon as they are formed in the axils of bracts. Squa
transcriptional activity persists through later stages of floral
morphogenesis, with the exception of stamen differentiation. Although
necessary for shaping a normal racemose inflorescence, the squa function
is not absolutely essential for flower development. We discuss the
function of the gene during flowering, its likely functional redundancy
and its possible interaction with other genes participating in the genetic
control of flower formation in Antirrhinum.
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