Kapraun df; Dutcher Ja 1991
- Authors: Kapraun df; Dutcher Ja
- Title: Cytophotometric estimation of interspecific and intraspecific
nuclear dna content variation in gracilaria and gracilariopsis
gracilariales rhodophyta
- Location: Botanica marina, 34 (2). 1991. 139-144.
- Abstract: microspectrophotometry with the dna-localizing fluorochrome
hydroethidine was used to estimate nuclear genome sizes in three
geographic isolates of gracilaria tikvahiae, gracilaris sp.
(cultivar g-6), g. blodgettii and gracilariopsis lemanieformis.
relative fluorescence (if) values for the antiosperm Antirrhinum
majus and the green alga cladophora albida were plotted against
their known dna contents to derive a standard line. mean 2 c
nuclear dna if values for gracilaria and gracilariopsis were
extrapolated to obtain estimates of their genome sizes. results
indicate a narrow range of relatively small values (0.35-0.45 pg)
in isolates examined. all gracilaria species had similar nuclear
genomes, within the range of 0.40-0.45 pg, while a smaller genome
of 0.35 pg was indicated for gracilariopsis lemanieformis.
variations in genome size and previously determined differences in
nucleotide base pair compositions suggest genome repatterning
processes which may have accompanied speciation in these taxa.
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