Luo D et al. 1991
- Authors:
Luo D. Coen ES. Doyle S. Carpenter R.
- Title:
Pigmentation mutants produced by transposon mutagenesis in Antirrhinum
- Reference location:
Plant Journal. 1(1):59-69, 1991 Jul.
- Abstract:
New pigmentation mutants were generated by transposon mutagenesis in
Antirrhinum majus, in three previously described loci, nivea, delila and
incolorata, and two new loci, daphne and olive. The wild-type olive gene
is required for the production of dark-green leaves, and the daphne gene
for the synthesis of flavones. Five out of the six mutants were both
germinally and somatically unstable, indicating that they resulted from
transposon insertions. Molecular analysis of the mutant at nivea (niv-600)
showed that it was caused by insertion of a new transposon, Tam4. The
sequence of Tam4 suggests that it is unable to transpose autonomously and
that it is related to Tam1 and Tam2. All three of these transposons have
identical inverted repeats, produce 3 bp target duplications, leave
similar excision footprints and share at one end a 600-700 bp region
containing many palindromic copies of a motif sequence, possibly required
in cis for transposition. The somatic excision of Tam4 in niv-600 is at a
very low rate compared to germinal excision but it can be activated by
crossing to lines carrying derivative alleles of a Tam1 insertion at niv.
Molecular analysis of four different pigmentation mutants has shown that
insertions of Tam1, Tam2, Tam3 and Tam4 have been obtained, illustrating
the potential of general transposon mutagenesis for trapping and isolating
new transposons as well as for tagging genes.
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