Ruiz de clavijo e 1991
- Authors: Ruiz de clavijo e
- Title: Karyological notes on some north african species
- Location: Acta botanica malacitana, 16 (2). 1991. 449-454.
- Abstract: the chromosome number of 13 species from morocco are reported in
this paper. the number of five of them, north-african, or ibero
north-african little known from the cariological point of view
endemisms, (cistus heterophyllus desf., n=9; Tuberaria Macrosepala
(cosson) willk., n=18; Psychine Stylosa desf. typica maire, n=15;
stachys circinata l'her., n=10 y Antirrhinum ramosissimum cosson &
durieu, n=8) are confirmed.
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