Isolation of aureusin and apigenin

This method shows the isolation of the yellow flower pigments aureusin and apigenin 7-glucuronide from snapdragons. The method has been published in Asen S. et al. 1972.
  1. Take petals of yellow snapdragons (for instance cultivar "Yellow Rocket")
  2. Extract with Methanol.
  3. Reduce volume at 40 degrees C und reduced pressure.
  4. Take up residue in citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 3.0)
  5. Filter with celite
  6. Absorb in 25 X 400 mm column of purified insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone (polyclar AT) with fines removed.
  7. Wash column with 200 ml Water.
  8. Elute pigments with Methanol containing 1ml of 2 N HCl per liter.
  9. Apigenin 7-glucoronide elutes after 24 hours, but is esterified.
  10. Aureusin elutes after 3 days.
  11. Hydrolize Apigenin methyl ester by dissolving in 0.5 N NaOH and place on a stean math thor 30 min. Cool, acidify and crystallize from aqueous solution.
  12. Purify Aureusin using a 35 X 450 Cellulose column. Elute with EtOAc:2-PrOH:HCOOH:Water (10:5:2:3). Crystallize from aqueous alcohol.

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This page has last been modified on May 12, 1997.