Kinetics of upward bending response of gravistimulated snapdragon shoots

Willem F. Jansen*, Soo-Chul Chang*, Peter B. Kaufman*, Najati S. Ghosheh*, Sonia Philosoph-Hadas**, Shimon Meir**

*Cellular and Molecular Biology Group
Dept. of Biology, University of Michigan,
4103B Natural Science Building
830 North University Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048, USA

**Institute for Technology and Storage of Agricultural Products,
Agricultural Research Organization,
The Volcani Center,
Bet Dagan, Israel

This document has been submitted by Peter B. Kaufman ( on September 1997 to the snapdragon home page.

Picture 1. A 'simulated time-lapse' photograph (A and B) and a actual photograph (C) of the upward bending response of a gravistimulated snapdraogn flowering stalk. Color slides were taken at regular intervals were scanned into a computer after which a time-lapse effect was created by overlaying sever individual image. (A) 'simulated time-lapse' of the upward bending and over bending during the first 9.5 hours. After the first phase the shoot started to bent back to a vertical position, which is shown in pict. 1 B. After reaching the vertical position for a second time, the shoot was replaced to its original upright position. After 24 hours a photograph (C) was taken. The bending zones (B.Z.) are marked with respectively B.Z.1 and 2.

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This page has last been modified on May 26, 1997.