Snapdragon Abbreviations and Conventions
The names of the file for most of the pictures consist of an abbreviation
for the author, a designation for the type of pictures source and a number.
For example phu_pict0011.jpg is
the name of the 11th picture provided by Peter Huijser etc.
Abbreviations used for the authors:
- iri - J. M. Iriondo
- kie - (Elke) Kiehlmann
- kst - Kurt Stüber
- wel - Wolf Ekkehard Lönnig
- zsa - Zsuszanna Schwarz-Sommer
- phu - Peter Huijser
- ihe - Iris Heidmann
Abbreviations used for file types:
- pict - Picture scanned from paper positive or provided as computer file
- slide - Picture scanned from slide
- still - Picture taken from still video camera
Abbreviations used for the genes and varieties of snapdragon are
listed in the section mutants.
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Snapdragon Home Page.
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interest you are invited to use the
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For personal comments please write to the author(s) of this page or to
Kurt Stueber.
This page has last been modified on August 27, 1997.