Snapdragons from Thompson and Morgan

Variety "Jamaican Mist", Photo provided by Karin Stüber
The British Seed Company Thompson and Morgan in Ipswich, Suffolk distributes seed from several beautiful varieties of snapdragons. There is also an American branch of Thompson & Morgan which can be reached via We obtained the 1998 seed catalogue from England.and the following list is taken from this catalogue.

VarietyCataloque numberQuantityPrice (Pounds)
'Jamaican Mist'1471100 seeds2.29
'Double Madame Butterfly Mixed', F1 Hybrid605460 seeds2.29
'Liberty Mixed', F1 Hybrid608450 seeds2.29
maximum 'T&M mixed'14071000 seeds1.19
nanum 'Black Prince'6060750 seeds1.69
nanum 'Lipstick Gold', F1 Hybrid1506900 seeds1.69
nanum 'Monarch mixed'6062750 seeds0.99
nanum 'Popette', Hybrid14281000 seeds1.69
nanum 'Purple King'6071300 seeds1.49
nanum 'White Wonder'6073750 seeds1.39
'Double Sweetheart Mixed', F1 Hybrid6030100 seeds2.29
'Dwarf Bedding Mixed'14234500 seeds0.99
'Dwarf Trumpet Serenade'1417900 seeds1.49
'Lavender Bicolor'619350 seeds1.99
'Peaches & Cream'1867500 seeds1.69
pendula 'Chinese Lanterns'186820 seeds2.99
'Royal Carpet Mixed', F1 Hybrid1404100 seeds1.99
P.S.: No guarantee for the correctness of the prices and availability of the varieties can be given, of course.

In the 1997 season we grew the variety "Jamaican Mist" from Thompson and Morgan (their "Flower of the year 1997"!) and show you the following photos (Photos taken by Karin Stüber, October 1997)

The following varieties have been found in "The Seed Catalogue" 1986 from Thompson and Morgan
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This page has last been modified on November 11, 1997.